Ep 120 – Mia Bowyer: The magical social media ads strategy to grow leads like crazy
I’m chatting with Mia Bowyer from One Earth Marketing, who is a pro when it comes to all this stuff. And it involves a very cool and in-depth strategy.
Sep 14, 2020
How are you incorporating video in your marketing strategy?
Maybe you’re doing Facebook Lives?
Or uploading short instructional videos on YouTube?
Or maybe you haven’t gone down that path just yet.
In case you weren’t aware, the importance of video marketing is on the increase.
According to a research conducted by Adobe last year, 48% of consumers were using voice for general web searches. And as technology advances, we’ll start to receive more and more video and audio clips via our Google Home and Amazon Alexa devices in response.
Today, I’m chatting with Morry Morgan, co-founder of The School of Hard Knock Knocks – a stand up comedy school with locations in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide. He has recently invested into the production of the reality TV series “Is this thing on?” as a way to build their brand and attract more customers.
Especially when he works in an industry that many don’t realise exists.
Morry is sharing some interesting insight behind the production process, as well as talking about the power of user-generated video. I know you’re going to love it.
With further ado, let’s jump in!
So you’re from Melbourne, but you’ve founded businesses in both Australia and China. Tell us a bit more about yourself and your business journey, and why you call yourself a wisecracking entrepreneur.
Today, we’re talking about optimising video in business for brand building and attracting new leads. You produced a web series called ‘Is This Thing On? for your stand-up comedy school ‘The School of Hard Knock Knocks’. I’d love to hear the story, process, and investment behind it!
You also create ‘user generated video’. What exactly is it, and how does it work?
There are various social media platforms that we can share videos these days. What are your thoughts and tips on when and where to post?
How do you manage your health & wellness?
How can people connect with you?
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WisecrackingEntrepreneur/
School of Hard Knock Knocks – https://schoolofhardknockknocks.com/
“Is This Thing On?” – https://www.youtube.com/isthisthingon
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