Ep 56 – Leanne Shelton: Podcast Year in Review

Dec 28, 2020

Recap of Marketing & Me’s Podcast Journey

So here we are – at the end of 2020. What a year, huh?

While it hasn’t been a full year since I started this podcast – as that’s another month away – I thought this was the perfect time of year to reflect on my podcasting journey.

Yes, I thought I was so knowledgeable back in April 2020 when I recorded Episode 17 – How to Start a Podcast.

And I guess I did know some stuff back then.

But 56 episodes in, I’ve learnt heaps more, which I thought I’d share with you now. I’ll throw in some highlights from past guests as well.

Let’s get into it!


So yes – the Marketing and Me podcast has been a fun and wild ride this year.

I’ve run a couple of webinars based on my learnings – and even had City of Parramatta ask me for assistance with setting up a podcast for them.

I definitely can’t call myself an expert. And everyone runs their podcasts differently. But I’m loving this experience and know I want to continue with it for the unforeseeable future.

In this episode, I thought I’d answer some frequently asked questions –

• How do you find guests?

• How much time do you allocate to the podcast each week?

• How much does it cost?

• Who uploads your podcast?

• What type of results have you gotten?

• What have been your favourite episodes?

• I’m not going to play favourites, but there have been some memorable guests for different reasons.



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