Ep 63 – Kym Heffernan: 5 engaging digital strategies for business growth

Feb 15, 2021

Digital strategies for your sales journey

Are you constantly trying to reach out to new clients?

Or are you nurturing the leads currently in your sales funnel?

Actually, scrap that. Not sales funnel. Let’s say sales journey. It feels nicer when you put it that way!

Well, it takes someone 10 to 15 touchpoints before they buy from someone.
That means you need to be prepared to consistently show up in your marketing – especially in the digital world – and remain top of mind. Because the right people WILL buy from you at the right time.

They just need to know, like, and trust you first.

A couple of my most recent clients admitted to stalking *ahem* I mean, following, me on LinkedIn for a few months before reaching out to do business with me. So keep on going!

Today, I’m chatting with Kym Heffernan from South Coast Digital Marketing, who has a wealth of knowledge to share when it comes to digital marketing.
Just a heads up – the internet connection plays up here and there, but I’m sure you’ll be able to dig through those issues to find the gold nuggets of advice.

Let’s jump into the episode!


Kym Heffernan speaks, coaches, mentors and facilitates sessions on marketing and sales.

He’s a Marketing Consultant and founder of The Marketing Strategy Co which specialises in helping businesses develop effective marketing and sales Strategies – then successfully implementing them.

More recently, Kym has founded South Coast Digital Marketing, a regional Digital Agency focused on Web Development, SEO and Digital Marketing.

Kym divides his time between Culburra Beach on the South Coast of NSW and Sydney, is the father of 4 boys and has been happily married to his wife Lisa for 35 years.


• Could you please share more about your business journey?

• In your experience, what’s the biggest challenge when it comes to effectively marketing one’s business?

• At The Marketing Strategy Co, are particular services more sought after than others? And has it changed over the years?

• Is marketing only necessary for those searching for new customers – and why?

• What are your 5 recommended digital strategies for business growth?


LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kymheffernan/
Website – www.themarketingstrategy.co

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