Why is The Pomodoro Technique so effective?
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Why is The Pomodoro Technique so effective?

Increase your productivity in 25 minute blocks When things get tough or overwhelming, it’s very easy to just do nothing. However, procrastination doesn’t move your business forward… Rather than getting frustrated with yourself, I recommend trying out a productivity and time management ‘hack’ called ‘The Pomodoro Technique’. Also known as ‘The Pomodoro Method’. You might…

What is accountability – and why do you need it as a business owner?

What is accountability – and why do you need it as a business owner?

How to approach others to ensure important tasks get done Are you struggling to get through the important tasks on your to-do list? And I’m not talking about client work here.  I’m talking about the essential backend business stuff that you know you really *should* be doing to improve your cashflow and grow.  Are you…

ChatGPT – Content marketing friend or foe? 

ChatGPT – Content marketing friend or foe? 

Can ChatGPT benefit my business?  Right now, it seems that every business owner is talking about the coolest Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool on the block – ChatGPT. And considering all the ways it could improve their content marketing strategies. As well as other forms of communication. And many people are asking me how it’s going to impact…

Ep 150 – Leanne Shelton: Using accountability to get stuff done

Ep 150 – Leanne Shelton: Using accountability to get stuff done

Ep 150 – Leanne Shelton: Using accountability to get stuff done Jan 30, 2023 How to approach others to ensure important tasks get done Are you struggling to get through the important tasks on your to-do list? And I’m not talking about client work here. I’m talking about the essential backend business stuff that you…

Ep 149 – Carole Issa: How to use DISC profiling in marketing and sales

Ep 149 – Carole Issa: How to use DISC profiling in marketing and sales

Ep149 – Carole Issa: How to use DISC profiling in marketing and sales Jan 30, 2023 Optimising tools to improve marketing and sales So I’m guessing you’re familiar with DISC profiling – or have taken other personality or psychometric tests in the past. You probably did one in a past life as an employee, right? …

Ep 148 – Leanne Shelton: Blogging in 2023

Ep 148 – Leanne Shelton: Blogging in 2023

January 23, 2023 Stronger than ever Wondering whether business blogging is still relevant in 2023? The short answer is – YES! Just the other day, a close business owner friend exclaimed “Blogging feels dated to me – like 2010s. Everyone is talking about social media content now. So blogging feels like old news…My brain thinks…