Ep 114 – Tamara Reeves: Customised coffee pods creation

Feb 21, 2022

A cup of coffee and an awesome marketing and brand awareness strategy

Are you a coffee drinker?

Or, more importantly, do your clients enjoy a nice hot brew of beans?
What if I told you there was a way to combine coffee with an awesome marketing and brand awareness strategy?

If you’re even slightly intrigued, then I know you’ll love listening to Tamara Reeves from Love Beans in today’s episode.

Tamara creates these very cute and customised coffee pod creations that are making an impact on everyone who stumbles across them. Myself included!

Without further ado, let’s jump into the episode to find out more.


Tamara is a tea and coffee connoisseur who also enjoys trying new recipes. As a result, at the age of 50, she became a coffee roaster and is now known as the Scholar of Beans and Blends Architect.

After hanging up her high heels as a training specialist and completing her first coffee-roasting course, Tamara knew exactly where she wanted to go. She wanted to create unique coffee roasts that would leave a lasting impression on the palate. 


• Please tell us more about your business journey.

• How did you go from being a tea drinker to coffee drinker?

• What did people say when you started Love Beans?

• What makes your coffee different from the others?

• Where did the idea of printed, customised coffee pods come from?

• How do custom printed coffee pods help businesses? Examples of what you’ve done for businesses?

• What’s next?

And then I always ask the following:

• What’s the best form of marketing for your business?
• How do you take care of your health and wellness?
• How can people connect with you?


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamara-reeves-architect-of-blends-at-love-beans-a2588811/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lovebeanscoffee
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovebeanscoffee

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