Ep 36 – Rashida Tayabali: Showcase yourself via storytelling

Sep 9, 2020

The benefits of storytelling in business

If someone came up to you and asked – “hey, what’s your story?” – would you know what to say?

And could you say it succinctly and with impact?

As business owners, we’ve all been on a journey. We’ve all experienced twists and turns that have brought us to this current point.

And sharing this journey with our customers is so powerful when it comes to building stronger connections. They get to see more about the humans behind the products and services.

Today, I’m chatting with fellow copywriter, Rashida Tayabali, about the power of storytelling. And why you shouldn’t just showcase it on your About page….

Now, as a bit of a disclaimer here, since recording this interview I’ve left The Clever Copywriting School Community that Rashida and I talk about. But don’t worry, it all happened on good terms.

That door just needed to close so another one could open. It was time to make room for the next stage in my business. And I’ll keep you updated on all of that!

But that’s enough from me, let’s jump into today’s episode on showcasing yourself via storytelling….


• What is brand storytelling – and why is it important for businesses?
• How can storytelling be used? It would work well in the About section on websites, couldn’t it?
• What’s the formula for a really engaging story?
• You’ve had lots of articles featured in well-known news and magazines publications. Could you please share some advice when it comes to pitching ideas?



Rashida’s About page: https://www.rashidatayabali.com.au/about/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rashidatayabaliwriter
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rashidatayabaliwriter/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rashidatayabaliwriter/

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