Ep 104 – Leanne Shelton: Why you need a copywriter in your life

Nov 29, 2021

Benefits of having a copywriter for your business

Does your mind ever go completely blank – completely absent of words – when you see that big white computer screen of death?

With that little blinking cursor, mocking you…

You know you need to have highly engaging and informative content to promote your products and services. But you have no idea how to get those words out of your head and through your fingertips to the keyboard.

And write words that will make an impact.

Well, that’s why copywriters – like me – have thriving businesses.
We know this is a common occurrence among so many business owners out there.

As copywriters, we are the bridge between you and the consumer. You can hand over the task to us – and we’ll use our awesome writing skills to ensure your key message is conveyed in the best way possible.

But many people are still unaware that this service is available to them. So I thought I’d take this opportunity to explain all the reasons why you need a copywriter in your life…and maybe I can convince you to give us a go!

Let’s jump in!


So, what is a COPYWRITER?

Only a few people seem to have a total understanding of what being a “copywriter” is all about. And that’s okay, because we’re slowly but surely going to change that.

Starting off with the basic questions – what is a “copywriter” and what do they – including me – do?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a copywriter is, literally, a writer of advertising or publicity copy. So to say, it sounds like an easy job of just writing whatever comes up for brands.

However, they do more than just draft blurbs and stuff.

For a more in-depth explanation, copywriters:

  • Make sure that the message is conveyed to the market in the best way possible, by identifying with their target audience and catering to their needs.

  • Are also responsible for creating compelling stories (marketing materials) that resonate with the people and influence their behaviour. Copywriters use creativity and emotional intelligence to achieve this goal.

Summing it up, copywriters are in charge of concocting ideas and writing content that will engage readers with a given company’s product or service. 

How Important is Copywriting and Having A Copywriter in Your Business?

So now you’re probably thinking about the impact copywriters can have on your business.

Are they really that important? 

Well, you see, copywriting is not just about making your business look good. It’s about having a content strategy that will work for you and your audience; it’s about attracting buyers and gaining sales for your enterprise. 

For businesses, it is the backbone of any successful marketing campaign. 

It can tell people who you are, what you do, and why they should care. 

It’s one of the most important marketing tools in a company’s toolkit —and it goes without saying that it needs to be done well for the company to successfully sell its goods or services.

See how powerful words can be? 

Here are some reasons Why You Need a Copywriter in Your Life

  • Copywriters are masters of words. We can help you shape your story around your product or service.

  • We’re able to create a coherent voice for your brand.

  • We’re experts in emotional marketing and connecting with humans on an emotional level.

  • Copywriters have solid skills in telling stories that will resonate with your customers

Let’s look at your blog or website.

  • Copywriters make sure your blog posts and articles are top-notch.

  • They know how to use the right words to persuade people.

  • Every company needs their website content updated regularly in order to stay relevant

  • Copywriters know how to create SEO-friendly content which is crucial for every online business today – and can help with conversions!

  • Copywriters know what makes people tick – so they can create engaging content that will keep them coming back for more

Now let’s look at social media

We can write engaging posts for you – and ensure the grammar is correct and people are keen to respond, share, and follow your posts.

And then there’s everything else

Lead magnets, sales pages, e-newsletters, YouTube video and webinar scripts etc. 

All of those content marketing things that are great for increasing your customer base and sales!

In conclusion…

Copywriters, somehow, work as the lifeblood of any business. They give life to them by making their offerings known to the market, allowing money to flow in the enterprise.

Anyways, you might think only big companies need copywriters… but that’s far from the truth. Let’s debunk that myth! 

Even small businesses need to have a solid content strategy in place to engage their customers and keep them coming back for more. 

Don’t be discouraged that ‘you’re still a start-up’ or ‘too small’ to hire their assistance! Instead, think about this: if you’re looking for an efficient way to grow your business, then investing in copywriting services is one of the best ways to do so.


Throughout her career, Leanne Shelton has gained vast experience in journalism, marketing, communications, events, and B2B sales. She has worked in both corporate and not-for-profit roles, but since starting Write Time Marketing in 2014, Leanne has found her true calling.

A self-proclaimed English nerd at heart, Leanne is extremely passionate about the written word and loves working with Health & Wellness business owners to prepare effective content marketing strategies to best suit their target audiences. Even though she has dabbled in all forms of copywriting, Leanne specialises in business blogging as she loves the capacity to form ongoing relationships with her clients.

While some business owners choose to outsource their blogs to Leanne to write, others prefer to take the DIY approach and learn about the art via training opportunities online, face-to-face, and her podcast ‘Marketing & Me’.

Outside the office, Leanne enjoys dancing, reading, listening to inspiring podcasts, and spending quality time with her husband and two young daughters.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/writetimemarketing
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leanneshelton247/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WriteTimeMkting

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