Ep 99 – Jeanette Del Zio: The importance of mindfulness in business

Oct 25, 2021

Being mindful in life and business

Are you practicing mindfulness every day?

How often do you meditate?

And do you know how to heal yourself when anxiety appears?

We’re currently in the middle of Mental Health Month in Australia – which is timely considering Covid lockdowns are in the process of being lifted in Victoria and New South Wales.
Clinics and salons are reopening.
School is returning.
Extra-curricular run-around activities are resuming.
And our social lives are being reintroduced.
So if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed right now, it makes complete sense!

Today, I’m chatting withJeanette Del Zio about the power of maintaining a sense of mindfulness every day. She has some great tools and tips to share to help you through those tough times.

Let’s get started!


Jeanette Del Zio wears different hats in her everyday life. She is an owner of an Interior Design business, a Yoga Teacher, and a Facilitator of a national community supporting medical families and spouses.

As someone who has and is suffering from anxiety, Jeanette has learnt the importance of mental and physical health above all else.

Yoga has been a key component in her journey along with other mindfulness practices that are the oil that keep everything in her daily life running smoothly.


• Could you please share more about your career journey?

• How can our listeners incorporate mindfulness into their day – while also managing a business, their kids, etc?

• What are the benefits of yoga? Is it for everyone?

• What are your tips for managing anxiety?

• Are there particular meditations, visualisations, and/or yoga poses you can recommend when someone is stressed?

And then I always ask the following:

• Which marketing method works best for your business?
• How do you take care of your health and wellness?
• How can people connect with you?


– Calm App – https://www.calm.com/

– Smiling Mind App – https://www.smilingmind.com.au/smiling-mind-app

– Binaurual Beats (Sound Waves) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V-oI-z1NgI


Email – hello@adsn.com.au or info@jdzdesigns.com.au
Instagram –

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