Jan 10, 2022
As we enter a new year, or new financial year, it’s a natural time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work in our businesses over the previous 12 months.
Did that plan of attack bring in the desired income?
Or did that desired plan never take place?
And – sometimes – all of your plans completely go out the window when the unexpected happens.
You know, like a worldwide pandemic…
Today, I’m chatting with Jane Tweedy from FAQ Business Training about reflecting, reviewing, and planning for the future.
If you’re unsure how to progress in your business in the upcoming months, then keep listening for some fantastic tips and guidance from a very business-savvy woman!
Jane Tweedy is founder and lead trainer of FAQ Business Training, with a mission to educate and empower small business owners to DIY or outsource with confidence through accurate, topical training.
Jane started this business after hearing many stories from the 1,050 plus business owners she’s met as a NSW Government Funded Business Connect Advisor for Western Sydney Business Centre.
Too many stories involved clients being ripped off, or ripping themselves off. Jane is a lifelong learner with numerous qualifications, who applies her knowledge and years of corporate, volunteering and small business experience.
Jane loves seeing businesses grow to healthy new levels.
Support for small businesses – https://www.business.gov.au/
Western Sydney Business Centre – https://wsbusiness.com.au/
• Tell us a bit about you, your business journey, and what you do
• From your experience, what type of impact has Covid-19 had on business owners – particularly those in the health and wellness industry?
• What have been some of the biggest learnings and opportunities created throughout this experience?
• What’s the first step towards business planning for the future? What factors do we need to consider?
• What are your thoughts on having a business plan?
• What key piece of advice do you have for growing a successful business?
• How can you help our fellow business owners out there?
• How do you manage your health & wellness?
• How can people connect with you?
Website –https://faqbusinesstraining.com.au
Facebook – https://facebook.com/faqbusinesstraining
LinkedIn – https://linkedin.com/in/janetweedy
Start a conversation
ABN: 11 061 860 249