Ep 58 – Gemma Lumicisi: How to find your writing voice

Jan 10, 2021

Guide to finding your brand voice

Do you have a clear, consistent brand voice?

And do you have a tone of voice document to refer to when writing your content and emails?

Or are you thinking, Leanne, what the hell are you on about?!

If this is a new topic for you, then I’m pumped to bring you this interview with Gemma Lumicisi from Contently Driven.
She’s a fellow copywriter and absolutely loves this stuff.

And she has a very fun and playful process when it comes to putting all together.

Get your pen and paper ready. Let’s jump in!


Gemma is the founder of Contently Driven.

She creates fearless marketing and writes copy that sounds like you or teaches you how to DIY.

She’s a degree qualified copywriter, marketer, and an international English teacher. But what’s most important to her is what she does for her clients.

Gemma’s business mission is to help more women be themselves in their business and set their brand voice free.

Because that’s what grows your business.



Website – https://contentlydriven.com/
Instagram – @contentlydriven
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemma-lumicisi/
Podcast – https://workwifewinetime.com.au/


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