Ep 123 – Debbie Hatumale-Uy: Build a community first, and the sales will come

Apr 25, 2022

How online communities help businesses’ sales

When it comes to social media and business, we often get caught up in the multiple ways we can possibly push our products and services out there.

But what if you took a step back – and focused on building a strong online community first?
And build up a strong following who are keen to hear what you have to say?
I talk about building the know, like, and trust factor a lot on this podcast.
But the truth is – I talk about it because it actually works.

Today’s guest is Debbie Hatumale-Uy, who is a living, breathing example of someone who “accidentally’ found success by simply being herself online.
In this episode, she shares a few tips and gives us a look behind the scenes to see how the development of an online community has helped her and her crafting business ‘Only The Sweet Stuff’.

Let’s dive into the episode!


Debbie Hatumale-Uy is an accidental e-commerce business owner. She is currently on “maternity leave”, having founded Only the Sweet Stuff when pregnant with her second son.

Debbie has 15 years corporate marketing experience, but doesn’t credit the success of her business to this. She is also a performing artist having taught dance for 15 years and playing the piano since she was a little girl. She is a mum of 3 and fur mum of 2.


• Could you please share more about your business journey?

• Your marketing background must be useful in this space. Is that why your business is successful/in a growth stage?

• I see your family pop up on stories all the time- what are your thoughts on sharing and over-sharing on socials?

• Today, we’re talking about building a community first – and then the sales will come. What are your thoughts on this?

• Could you please share some tips for anyone aiming to build an online community?

• Where do you see social media in 10 years? Do you think it will still be here?


Website: www.onlythesweetstuff.com.au
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_onlythesweetstuff/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/onlythesweetstuff 

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