Ep 137 – Lucy Owens: Personal styling secrets for next level success
In today’s episode of Marketing and Me, Lucy Owens is sharing some personal styling secrets for next level success.
Jan 25, 2021
Have you ever thought about starting a podcast – but wonder if it’s all worth the effort?
Or maybe you’re super eager to get onboard – but feel there are already so many talented people out there with podcasts, who are all talking about the same stuff as you, and you don’t feel like you have any further value to add to the world?
If that’s the case, stop that limited thinking right now!
As mentioned in previous episodes, I’ve had such an amazing experience in my podcasting journey so far – and there are heaps of people, just like you, listening to my show every day. Even though there are a heap of other marketing podcasts out there.
Today, I’m chatting with podcast coach, Darren Saul from Suspended Animation, who has a long list of podcasting benefits to share and objections to overrule. So if you’ve ever had even a fleeting thought about starting a podcast, this episode is for you!
Let’s get started!
Darren is a photographer who started heavily utilising social media and podcasting to build his business – and was so amazed with the results, he never looked back!
He is now a very active social media marketing practitioner and podcaster who consults with organisations to help them get serious results by integrating social media and podcasting into their marketing strategy.
Darren believes these platforms aren’t just a “nice to have” anymore – they are a MUST have!
• From your perspective, what are the key benefits of podcasting?
• Back in Episodes 17 and 56, I’ve shared my tips and thoughts about podcasting – but as a Podcast Coach, what are your tips?
• What are your suggested processes?
• How much time and money do you invest into your podcast? And what are the results?
• If someone was to work with you, could you please share what steps would be involved?
3 separate 1.5 HR sessions – we cover the “A-Z” of the podcasting process together and get you set up with your first produced episode. Then you can take it from there..
• Part 1 – PREPARATION – Understanding the potential of podcasting, the technology and tools needed, how to prepare yourself and your guest for an episode and how to record it
• Part 2 – PRODUCTION – After you have recorded your first episode we produce and launch it together
• Part 3 – PROMOTION – Now is the time to do something with it! I will show you how to promote the podcast and episode to make sure you leverage it!
Check out more details – http://darren-saul-upj1.squarespace.com/new-page
Instagram – suspendedanimationnn
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SuspendedAnimationPhoto/
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqogVAOcxF-7_-BfSybedw?view_as=subscriber
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/suspendedanimation/
Website – www.suspendedanimation.com.au
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