Jan 28, 2020
Are you making your voice heard in your business?
No, I’m not talking about water cooler conversations with colleagues.
I’m talking about putting yourself out there so your ideal clients hear your voice and begin knowing, liking, and trusting you – way before the purchasing stage.
If you’re always hiding behind your computer screen – and too scared to do Facebook lives, webinars, workshops, and any other speaking ‘things’ then today’s episode is for you.
I’m chatting with Cynthia Painter from Create Action Now on the topic Voice, Visibility, and Profitability – Why your voice matters.
And it does matter.
Tune in to find out why!
About Cynthia Painter:
Cynthia Painter is a Mindset Business Speaking coach and trainer, and owner of Create Action Now.
You may have seen her around as she practices what she preaches by running in person and online events as well as consistently turning up and adding value on Social Media.
Her 20 year background as a corporate trainer has helped in a lot of ways – but that doesn’t mean she could be guaranteed to fill the room or feel confident when she started her own business.
Cynthia has learnt the ropes on messaging, technique and consistency that now allow her to be the go-to person for her ideal clients.
She loves working with entrepreneurs who know they want to serve their clients, share their message AND make money doing so.
Her background as a Master Trainer in NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy allows her to utilise mindset to help them get there even quicker.
Meliors Simms – Holistic Tooth Fairy (based in New Zealand) – https://holistictoothfairy.com/
Denise Duffield – Thomas is a money mentor using strategies and mindset to deal with money blocks to get you to six figures and beyond – https://luckybitch.com/
Tash Corbin is a business strategist – https://tashcorbin.com
Mandala Art – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala
You can find her at:
Website: http://www.createactionnow.com/
Start a conversation
ABN: 11 061 860 249