Why you need to keep your copy relevant

Dec 7, 2015

The importance of keeping the customer in mind!

Yes, it may sound obvious – ideally, you should avoid filling your webpages with marketing hype and jargon.

If you’re trying to decide upon what type of copy you should include, you need to ask yourself –

  1. What action do I want my ideal customers to make? Do I want them to pick up the phone or send an email to request a quote? Sign up to my newsletter? Read my blog posts?
  2. What information do those people need to achieve their goals? How can I solve their problems? What possible objections could be getting in the way?

Now, research has shown that only one in five people read web content word for word. So you would think that it’s best to keep your copy as short and succinct as possible.

However, this is a tricky subject when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). While your reader may not read all of the copy – Google WILL read it and give you a push in relevant web searches.

So you need to think about all of the key terms that people will search for your website – without keyword stuffing, which is where the copy almost doesn’t make sense or becomes too lengthy because too many key words have been crammed into paragraphs.

There is a fine line between providing what your ideal audience will read, what will put them off, and what Google will find.

Ultimately, you don’t want to waffle on in your web copy. Just decide upon your keywords and keyword phrases and keep your copy as succinct and easy to read as possible.

Use of dot points and break out sections is a great way to get around this!

And remember to keep your goal in mind – you want the reader to take action.

Put it to your ideal reader this way – here’s your problem, here’s our suggested solution, contact us now to start creating a better life!

Still with me? If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me.

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