Ep 73 – Troy Haines: Transformative technology for wellness and performance

Apr 26, 2021

Using transformative technology to improve operational effectiveness

Have you heard of ‘Transformative Technology’?

No? Well, I’ll give you a clue – it’s got nothing to do with cars that transform into robots…

Transformative Technology refers to software or hardware-based tech designed to accommodate humans’ psychological health, intellectual function, and physical abilities.

In other words, it’s about helping us, as humans, improve our inner selves and experiences.

In this episode, we have Troy Haines from iAMconnected talking about how he uses and applies Transformative Technology with business founders and their teams to assess and enhance their emotional and mental welfare – as well as operational effectiveness.

So, if you’re ready to delve into the science side of stuff, put your discovery glasses on and let’s get started!


Over the past 8 years, Troy has owned and operated a startup incubator in Cairns, Queensland where he’s worked with founders and innovators to commercialise ideas and support the development of the startup ecosystem.

And in the past 2 years, Troy’s focus has narrowed to supporting founders building Transformative Technologies, a movement headed up out of Silicon Valley.

As the chair for TT Australia, Troy and his team are building out the supporting the development of the ecosystem in Australia, where they support founders to build technologies focused on mental health > wellbeing > performance > to explore our ultimate potential.

Through his own company “iAMconnected”, Troy works with founders and their teams, applying some of these technologies to objectively measure and optimise key wellbeing and performance metrics.


• Could you please share more about your business journey?

• You’re a Meditation & Consciousness Coach at iAMconnected. What does that mean?

• What are your tips for those just starting out with the world of meditation?

• How does iAMconnected work?

• What are the benefits of the technology?


Website: www.iamconnected.com
Facebook: fb.com/iamconnecteddotcom
Email: troy@iamconnected.com

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