Ep 27 – Julie Cliff: Organise the life you want to live

Jul 12, 2020

Find more structure in your day-to-day life

Nobody wants to be disorganised.
It leads to stress, overwhelm, and forgetfulness.
But if you’re a working mum and juggling this crazy thing called life, it can be difficult to prioritise those actions on the to-do list. Especially when you’ve got your partner, kids, AND clients competing for your attention.
And, oh yeah, and there’s that whole ‘me time’ thing as well.

In previous podcast episodes, we’ve talked about business planning and goal-setting.
Today, I’m chatting with Julie Cliff from Space and Time about life planning.
Because we all want to live the best life possible.
And we only get one life.
If you want to regain control over your days, keep listening for some very practical tips to put you back in the driver’s seat!


“Me First” book by Kate Christie

“Speed Cleaning” book by Shannon Lush and Jennifer Flemming

“The Power of Now” book by Eckhart Tolle



Website – www.spaceandtime.com.au
Facebook @spaceandtimeprofessionalorganising (Follow for regular tips on how to organise your space and time)
Instagram @spaceandtimeorganising
Email – info@spaceandtime.com.au

Julie’s online programs – https://spaceandtime.com.au/online-programs/



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