Ep 80 – Georgia Bamber: How to master your time – and make it work for you

Jun 14, 2021

Tips on making better use of your time

Do any of the following phrases sound familiar to you?

“I just don’t have enough time!”

“I’m so busy at the moment.”

“We’re gonna be late!”

If yes, you probably have an issue with time management. And if you’re juggling a business and family life, it’s completely understandable if you do.

Today, I’m chatting with certified life coach, Georgia Bamber, about mastering time. She shares some handy action tips and mindset changes that you can start implementing right now.

Let’s jump in!


Georgia Bamber is a success coach, speaker, and author of the book “Achieve Anything You Want”. Using practical tools and mindset strategies, she teaches people to make positive changes and create the time to reach their goals.

Georgia has a diverse academic, professional, and personal background in psychology, business, and health.

She is also a wife and mother of two teenage boys, an endurance athlete, and a plant-based lifestyle advocate. So she knows what it’s like to do the juggle between motherhood, entrepreneurship, and maintaining a healthy mind and body.


• Could you please share more about your business journey?

• Tell us more about your book “Achieve Anything You Want.”

• Our episode today is about mastering time – what are your perspectives on time and how can we maintain control of it?

• What are some typical mistakes small business owners make when it comes to time?

• Do you have some time-saving tips for us?


Website – www.georgiabamber.com
LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/in/georgia-bamber
Email – georgia@georgiabamber.com
Instagram – @georgiabambercoaching

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