Oct 29, 2020
If you’ve been listening to my podcast for a little while – or know me in person – you’d know I’m a positive person.
Now that doesn’t mean I don’t have struggles and low days.
But it does mean I’m constantly looking for that silver lining.
And I recognise it might be hard to see it during those dark minutes, hours, or days – but I know it’s there, just waiting to be discovered.
Then when I do find it – and it’s always there – I try to reflect back on the experience and appreciate that everything happened for a reason.
I know first hand the importance of having a healthy and positive mindset – especially as a business owner. And that’s why I wanted to create this mental health-related podcast series in October – in recognition of Mental Health Month.
I want my clients and contacts to be the best version of themselves. And it fills me with so much joy when others are doing the things they love and smashing their goals.
Today, I’m chatting with Cindy Shames – who feels the same way as me. This is probably one of the reasons why we get along so well – and why she became a results coach.
We’re talking about building a business with a positive mindset and I know you’ll love her energy and advice. We could have talked for hours on this topic!
And remember – if you’re only seeing darkness right now, I want you to know that the lightness is just up ahead. If you need further support, please reach out to wonderful organisations like Lifeline, Beyond Blue, or the Black Dog Institute. You deserve to be happy.
Let’s jump into the episode!
Cindy Shames is a certified results coach.
She shows her clients the tools to unlock their potential, make an impact, and create opportunities they never thought were possible.
She works through topics such as mindset, abundance, goals, strategies, and more.
Cindy has worked for amazing people like Gabi Bernstein, The Elton John Foundation, Oprah’s Team, and Miss Universe – and bumped shoulders with many other celebrities along the way.
Cindy has been through her own transformational mindset journey, which is why I thought she’d be the perfect person to bring on the show to talk about the power of positivity.
• What does having a positive mindset as a business owner mean to you?
• What are the consequences of having a negative mindset?
• How does positivity/negativity impact the people around you?
• What are your tips for managing mindset when going through a difficult time?
Website – https://cindyshames.com/
Facebook group ‘Unstoppable Results’ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/unstoppableresults
Instagram –https://www.instagram.com/cindyshames/
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