Welcome to Week 3 of ‘Write Well for Web’ Series – where I am providing some vital tips for writing compelling copy for your business website!
In case you missed it, here are the previous blog entries – 
Week 1 – Know Your Audience and Speak to them
Week 2 – Keep Your Copy Relevant
This week, we’re talking about the importance of having a strong call to action on your website.
The ultimate aim of every business website is to encourage readers to DO SOMETHING. What is the point of a website that simply contains lovely words about your products and services if there isn’t any opportunity for readers to take the next step?
It would be like hearing the Mr Whippy van, and, with your tastebuds salivating, you head outside with your money to make a purchase…but there are no ice creams for sale! It just sounds and visually looks appealing. How disappointing for the customer.
You need to keep in mind the ‘why’ here. Why should people take action today, rather than tomorrow? Or why should they choose your business over a competitor?
On every webpage, there should be some sort of call to action. You need to lead the reader down some sort of path. For example, after rebutting all of the possible objections on the ‘Why Choose Us’ page, you need to ensure that the page includes a link to your ‘Contact Us’ page or your phone number and/or email address. You’ve gotten the reader excited and drawn them in with your magical tune, now give them the chance to buy your ice cream!
You can also provide special offers, free subscriptions to e-Books etc, to entice your audience to sign up to your newsletter distribution list.
Whatever you do, you need to come across as being enthusiastic and approachable – and not pushy – and honestly eager to assist with solving their problems.
Good luck with it – and feel free to provide your feedback and ask questions via the Comments section below. Or you can contact me!
Read about Step 4 – Make sure you proof read and edit!