Tips for Beginner Blogging

May 17, 2017

I often have small business owners approach me and ask about blogs. They know they should be blogging, but it often falls upon the never ending to-do list (see my blog post about procrastination) and it just doesn’t happen.

Where do I start?

Do you have the issue of writing too much and never know what you should be including and what should be left out? Or are you struggling to get started?

As a beginner blogger, you might be asking yourself –

  • Which topics should I be writing about?
  • What do people actually want to read about?
  • How long should the post be?
  • How frequent should the blogs be uploaded?

You probably have so many questions swimming in your head – so it’s no wonder that you’re experiencing procrastination!

Quick steps for getting started

Step 1 – Start with a brainstorm with all the possible topics you could write about.

  • Why did you start your business?
  • What are some frequently asked questions?
  • What are the processes involved in preparing your products or running your service?
  • Is there anything topical in the media right now that impacts on or relates to your business?

(If you need any more help with coming up with ideas, feel free to contact me for a blogging brainstorm session!)

Step 2. Create a plan of blog posts for the next 6 months. 

I recommend writing fortnightly blogs – it’s not too frequent that subscribers get annoyed with you, yet you still stay on their radar. It also maintains your blogging momentum!

Really break down all of your topics as well – don’t try to squeeze more than one key point in each blog post. That way, your blogs keep the reader focused and you’re left with plenty more blog ideas up your sleeve for the future!

5 Tips for Beginner Blogging

  1. With the topic in mind, jot down some key dot points that you wish to cover.
  2. Flesh out these key dot points – aim for a short paragraph each. Use conversational language as though you are talking directly to the reader. Headings are ideal so the reader isn’t overwhelmed by words on the page. Don’t use enormous words where little ones will do! It means that your message won’t get lost in translation. And show your personality! People want to get to know the person behind the business – they don’t want a cardboard cut-out. 😉
  3. Re-read over your blog post and check for grammatical and spelling mistakes. I recommend keeping the blog post to 800-1500 words – this is the blogging standard these days. But remember the suggestions in Point 2 above!
  4. Insert any suitable images. (Without any plagiarism!)
  5. Take a deep breath and publish!

If you ever need any help, I’m here for you. Even if you just need someone to read over what you’ve written and give you the confidence to press that scary ‘publish’ button. Feel free to contact me today!

Just keep blogging,


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