May 17, 2017
I often have small business owners approach me and ask about blogs. They know they should be blogging, but it often falls upon the never ending to-do list (see my blog post about procrastination) and it just doesn’t happen.
Where do I start?
Do you have the issue of writing too much and never know what you should be including and what should be left out? Or are you struggling to get started?
As a beginner blogger, you might be asking yourself –
You probably have so many questions swimming in your head – so it’s no wonder that you’re experiencing procrastination!
Quick steps for getting started
Step 1 – Start with a brainstorm with all the possible topics you could write about.
(If you need any more help with coming up with ideas, feel free to contact me for a blogging brainstorm session!)
Step 2. Create a plan of blog posts for the next 6 months.
I recommend writing fortnightly blogs – it’s not too frequent that subscribers get annoyed with you, yet you still stay on their radar. It also maintains your blogging momentum!
Really break down all of your topics as well – don’t try to squeeze more than one key point in each blog post. That way, your blogs keep the reader focused and you’re left with plenty more blog ideas up your sleeve for the future!
5 Tips for Beginner Blogging
If you ever need any help, I’m here for you. Even if you just need someone to read over what you’ve written and give you the confidence to press that scary ‘publish’ button. Feel free to contact me today!
Just keep blogging,
Start a conversation
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