Ep 53 – Louise Hallinan: Strategies to improve your brain health

Dec 10, 2020

Managing memory loss issues – before it’s too late

Do you ever find yourself forgetting things?

Or maybe you’ve noticed your partner, parent, or grandparent has started repeating themself or showing other signs of potential memory loss or dementia.

In society, a dementia diagnosis is often seen as the beginning of the end. A hopeless situation that will just lead to a person slowly declining in health and memory more and more, before the person they once were has completely disappeared.

But what if I told you these memory issues could actually be dealt with? And that maybe it’s not dementia at all – but a B12 deficiency?

Today, I’m chatting with Louise Hallinan from the Smart Brain Health Centre who has some very interesting insight to share about improving our brain health.

Some of this information will surprise you.
Let’s jump into this mind-opening episode.


Louise Hallinan is the International Award winning Author of “Smart Brain, Healthy Brain”, Founder of the Smart Brain Health Centre, and a Natural Medicine Practitioner.

She specialises in THE prevention and treatment of memory problems in order to reduce the risk of dementia and improve brain health.

Her Smart Brain Prevention Program identifies the cause of your memory problems and provides a unique Treatment Plan to start making improvements.



Email: louise@smartbrainhealthcentre.com.au
Website: www.smartbrainhealthcentre.com.au (with free brain test)


Hello there,

Thank you for your interest in listening to my Podcast – Strategies to improve your Brain Health, in which I was discussing the very important subject of Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

Attached you will find many and varied symptoms which are indicators of a possible Vitamin B12 Deficiency.

A Vitamin B12 Deficiency is relatively unknown, and as you will see from the attached notes, these symptoms are wide and varied.  Some of these symptoms many people are likely to dismiss, and hope they go away in time. 

But some of these symptoms are also the key for many people who have been putting up with these ‘little’ symptoms for years.

If you have noticed you have been experiencing some of these symptoms, and possibly have been for quite some time, the first thing you should do is to have a blood test done by your doctor for the following:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate
  • Homocysteine
  • Vitamin D
  • Iron Studies

These are to be included with your regular blood tests eg, Haemotology, Liver function etc.

Once you have received the results of your blood tests, I would be happy for you to email these to me at louise@smartbrainhealthcentre.com.au . 

 I will then be able to review  your results and book you in for a complementary 20 minute Discovery Call, to discuss your results with you.

I look forward to being able to assist you with improving your brain health.

Kind regards,


Louise Hallinan

Natural Medicine Practitioner

& International Award-winning Author

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