Ep 147 - Leanne Shelton: Word of the Year

Jan 30, 2023

Setting guidance for the whole year

Hello my dear listener – happy new year!

Do you choose a ‘word for the year?’ It’s something I’ve personally done for a few years now – rather than create a bunch of new year’s resolutions that are already forgotten by Australia Day. 

(That’s 26th January for my overseas listeners…)

The process of choosing a word helps you focus on the goals and actions you want to work on for the next year. It also helps you determine your priorities, like whether you will concentrate on family, personal growth, career, etc.

In today’s episode, I’ll talk through my chosen word for 2023 and words chosen by some fellow businesswomen I know.

If you haven’t already picked yours for the year, this episode will hopefully spark off some ideas! Let’s get started!

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