Ep 45 – Katie Moriarty: Creating abundance by ‘doing’ less and working from a true flow state

Oct 22, 2020

How to live a purposeful life – without the stress

Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel – working long hours, but still not getting anywhere?
And you do it because hard work equals lots of money, right?

But no – not necessarily.

Today, I’m chatting with Katie Moriarty about creating abundance by doing less and working from a true flow state.

In other words – attracting abundance in all aspects of your life, in regards to your money, your happiness, your health, and your family and friends –
and achieving it all with minimal energy, effort, and time.

Katie is an example of someone achieving exactly this – working only 5-10 hours per week and living an abundant life. I personally have a lot to learn from her!

You don’t have to burn the candle at both ends and be forced to put your business ahead of you and your family.
You don’t have to park your mental health at the station while you ride the train to success. Your success should be driven by a healthy mental state.
This episode is part of my mental health-related series in recognition of Mental Health Month.

If you’re only seeing darkness right now, I want you to know that the lightness is just up ahead. If you need further support, please reach out to wonderful organisations like Lifeline, Beyond Blue, or the Black Dog Institute. You deserve to be happy.

Let’s drive into the episode!


• What’s your definition of abundance?
• How can we start attracting more abundance in our lives? What are your tips and strategies?
• These days, being ‘busy’ seems to be way too glorified. Personally, I try to avoid using that word but occasionally it slips into my vocabulary! As business owners, is it possible to be abundant and make lots of money – without burning the candle from both ends?
• How can someone start working towards a true flow state?


Katie V Danielle Moriarty is a Quantum Healer and Coach working with women to help them expand and shift into their most radiant expression in life and business.

Having always been fascinated by the world of manifestation, healing, and quantum upgrades, Katie decided to quit her successful corporate career and travel the world to immerse herself further into learning about these areas.

Through following her soul and implementing the practices she now teaches, Katie created a thriving soul aligned business doing what she most loved.

She believes that by awakening and activating the Divine Feminine Magnetism within, we are able to merge with the highest version of ourselves and create Heaven on Earth.

It is her deepest love and joy to see women own their truth, and live a life or deep fulfillment, abundance and freedom.


Website – https://www.katievdanellemoriarty.com/

Email – hello@katievdanellemoriarty.com

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/katievdanellemoriarty/


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