Ep 54 – Estelle Coombe-Heath: How to manage comfort eating during uncertainty

Dec 14, 2020

Setting healthy eating habits that work for you

Do you find yourself regularly sneaking to the pantry to help yourself to yet another chocolate? Or maybe you’re always craving salty snacks?

Either way – are you grabbing them because you’re hungry? Or are you actually seeking comfort?

During stressful and uncertain times, many people resort to comfort eating. Which results in guilt and shame. Which can then have a negative impact on their mindset and how they perceive food.

In today’s episode of Marketing and Me, I’m chatting with Estelle Coombe-Heath from Wholesome Lifestyle Project about triggers and signs to look out for. Because breaking the comfort eating habit IS possible.

So put that chocolate biscuit away – yes I’m talking to you – step out into the fresh air, and enjoy this episode!


Estelle Coombe-Heath helps career women overcome binge and overeating using her signature Quit binge eating formula.

From a background in business analytics, Estelle now leads various programs on changing mindsets around healthy eating habits and food choices.

As a holistic health coach, Estelle infuses yoga, mindfulness, and energy medicine into her consultations with clients. Her sessions encourage clients to dive into the self-transformation that health practices like positive mindset, yoga and meditation can provide.


• How do you define the words ‘comfort eating’ – and what are the signs to look out for?

• Why is it so bad for us?

• Why do you think comfort eating is so common during uncertain times?

• What are your tips for overcoming these habits?



Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/WholesomeLifestyleProject

Free Facebook group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/crushyourhealthgoals

Instagram – @wholesomelifestyleproject

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/estelle-coombe-heath-07833829/



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