
Copywriting Services

Feeling lost with your
content writing?
Play Video about Copywriting

If you’re struggling to write content that reflects your passion and purpose – while also capturing the interest of potential customers (and not boring them to tears), we totally get it.

FYI – we find it hard to write about ourselves as well. And we write all the time!

Because when you’re too close to something, it can be difficult to find the words to communicate it to those completely unaware of your products and services.

They might know they have a health problem, whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental, but they don’t know the solutions available.

This is where copywriters come in to save the day!

At Write Time Marketing, we write high-quality SEO website content, blogs, and other copy to:

  • Reflect your brand’s personality via the right tone of voice and style
  • Showcase your expertise and present you as a leader in your field
  • Feature engaging words to capture your readers’ interest
  • Contain amazing grammar and spelling

Ready to sprint into it?

Our Copywriting Process

At Write Time Marketing, we do things a little differently to other copywriters. We’re big fans of
phone calls and Zoom to help us perfect your tone of voice and energy. You simply can’t get the
same information via email and briefing templates!

Check out the tabs below for a rough idea of what to expect:

How we can help

At Write Time Marketing, we provide SEO friendly content for the following:

Our niche is the health and wellness space – because this is what we love the most.

However, our team consists of some ‘generalist’ copywriters who are open to writing for a broad range of industries. It simply comes down to whether we’re the right fit.

Pop us a message via the chatbot and we can discuss your needs further!

Have some questions about copywriting?

Let us start with the basics.
Copywriters (or content writers) write carefully selected and arranged words to convince, inspire, and/or educate their readers.
The aim is to encourage the reader to buy a product or service or take some form of action. This includes things like booking a consultation, making a phone call, downloading an ebook, or purchasing online.
Ultimately, we’re here to write on behalf of you.
You might be familiar with the term ‘ghostwriting’ in regards to books, like autobiographies. Well, during the copywriting process we pretend to be you – and make you sound really good to the world out there!
But many people are hesitant about approaching a copywriter. Because surely it’s impossible for someone completely outside the business to get the wording right – especially when the owner themself finds it difficult.
But you’d be surprised. Gaining an outsider’s perspective might be exactly what you need!
At Write Time Marketing, we literally use your words to write the content. And we do this by running Zoom briefing sessions – that are recorded and transcribed.
This means capturing your personality, your passion, and tone of voice.
It also means minimal room for error.
We take your words and then restructure them so your website copy, business blogs, or any other content looks professional and easy to absorb.
And while we’re doing that, you can continue spreading your love and serving your clients. You know, doing all the things you’d much prefer to spend your time on.

It’s time to embrace the warm fuzzy feeling of hiring a copywriter (on a temporary or long-term basis) if you:

  • hated English at school (or English is your second/third/fourth language)
  • know what you want to say, but it doesn’t sound right when typed or written
  • have already spent hours trying to write your content, but it’s simply not working
  • feel uncertain about the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and have no idea how to write effectively for the online space
  • are completely busy or overwhelmed with work and/or life and simply can’t squeeze in this extra thing
  • are a website designer/developer who is tired of projects lagging and cashflow being put on hold – while waiting for clients to supply the copy

    If any of these sound like you, start a conversation with us via the cute lil’ chatbot below and we can relieve the pressure.
    We can get this sh*t done for you!

This is one of those ‘how long is a piece of string’ type of questions…
But we’re happy to give you some ballpark figures right here, right now, before you travel any further throughout the website.

Website copy – Starting at $2,500+GST for 5 pages.
This typically includes pages like Home, About, Services x 2, FAQ, Contact. But you might have a slight variation on that.
The price includes the recorded Zoom briefing and transcript, copywriting, and 2 rounds of free edits and final proofreading.

Blog Writing – Starting at $450+GST for 500-700 words.
This price includes the recorded Zoom briefing and transcript, copywriting for 1 x 500-700 word SEO-friendly blog, and 2 rounds of free edits and final proofreading.
We also highly recommend adding 5 x social media posts with or without graphics to repurpose your content for an extra $150+GST. (The initial one-off template design is $300+GST)

Oh, and you also get two mid-senior level SEO copywriters allocated to your task – plus a project manager.
Think you’re ready to ask us for help? Start the conversation via the chatbot below or give Leanne a buzz on 0412 861 685.

Need some time to think about it? No worries.

Thank You!

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter for the latest training updates, podcast episodes, and general inspiration from Leanne.

We’re glad you’ve taken the first step to discovering more about your online presence.

We’ll be in touch with you within the next few days.

Got a copywriting project in mind or need assistance?

Start a conversation with us via the cute chatbot below – or call Leanne directly on 0412 861 685.

You can also drop us a line via 

icon or via socials.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Leanne Shelton