Apr 27, 2020
Getting your ears pierced for the first time is a rite of passage for many girls and women.
Later in life, additional ear and body piercings create the opportunity to show your uniqueness, personality, and style. Or you might do it for cultural reasons – or to highlight your rebellious nature.
Whatever the reason – piercing shouldn’t be taken lightly. And it should be done safely to avoid infections or even diseases.
On today’s show, I’m chatting with Brittany Davidson from The Hills Piercing Studio about piercing safely – and that’s via needles, not guns.
If you have a beauty salon or are a fellow piercer – or if you’re thinking of getting piercings done for yourself or your kids – you need to pierce yourself into this episode.
Let’s get started!
I met Brittany at the beginning of the year to get my 6 year old’s ears pierced.
A friend of mine had highly recommended the Hills Piercing Studio for little ears and I discovered many mothers in my local mums Facebook group shared that same confidence in Brittany’s piercing skills.
Brittany has been running the business for two years now and is a proud member of the Australasian Association of Professional Piercers.
She’s also the wife and mum to an almost 2 year old daughter, Ivy, and her furry sister – aka their cat.
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